Using the Student App

  1. Overview
  2. Student App
  3. Using the Student App

What does the student app show? 

The student app shows a list of the Supers sent to you by your teachers

For each entry it shows

  • the number of Supers awarded (points) 

  • The subject, and description of the Super 

  • Any competencies or school values which have been tagged (for example, responsibility, collaboration) 

It also shows your Total Supers and Supers by subject 

Sending thanks for the supers

By clicking the button “Send some thanks” you can send a message of appreciation to the teacher who has sent you a Super.  You have a choice to send a message, or a smiley face or both. Your teacher will receive these once you send them.  

  1. Click Send Some Thanks

  2. Type your message and/or send smiley face

  3. Click Send 

  4. Once you have sent a message, click “Read the message you sent” to review the message 

Proof read your message as these can’t be deleted once sent. 

Unlocking Badges 

By clicking on “Badges” in the left hand pane, you will see badges which you have earned.  The more Supers which are sent to you, the more badges you will earn. 

  1. Click Badges (Left hand pane) 

  2. View badges (the more Supers, the more badges) 

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